Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Different Not Less

When Eli was not yet diagnosed of his autism spectrum, I use to get this usual conversation among parents like me at home, church and other places:

Other person: How old is your little boy?

Me: He's 1 year old and nine months.

Other person: and he does not speak yet?

Me: No.

Other person: My son/daughter can already speak / utter a lot of words when he/she was one. 

Me: Oh, I don't know, maybe my son is just delayed in his speech. He'll speak in time (hoping)

Other person: Oh yah! some kids are just simply delayed in their speech, he'll catch up.

Now that we are aware of his diagnosis, I was only asked once so far the same question (it happened at his pediatrician's clinic) in which I replied: "No, he's just been recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder;" then the rest just followed. Thankfully, the pediatricians secretary didn't mind his sudden lying on the floor and loud short scream while waiting for our appointment.  

Eli has just been recently diagnosed but the doctor did not classify him yet as to what level of autism he is in the spectrum. Though I am not the kind of person who cares too much about labels, at this point in time. I would like to think that he is in the higher level, and this is why I think explain Eli, he is non-communicative towards us or anyone at all. The only way he expresses himself is by grabbing me in the arm and place my hand on a certain thing he wants me to hand him, like the fridge door (signifies he either wants food or water) or our tv's power on button. 

But Eli can read. Concepts that is. He began to read at 2 years and six months. One night when my husband took our laptop to type he was reading the letters that are appearing on the screen. After a few weeks, he was sight reading words, some words are a bit biggy for his age like, January or elephant but nevertheless he can read! Even his OT teacher said that she find Eli a smart boy, and that he can be trained, so that makes me happy.

My son may not be termed as quote and quote, normal but he is not less of a person. His development maybe delayed in speech. behavior and social skill. but I am still so grateful the God sees him perfectly. He's simply different.

I might still get asked in the future of the same question, and may also be followed why my son is non-communicative. I'm already formulating this idea in my head as to how I should reply.

Other person: How old is your little boy?

Me: He's almost three..

Other person: and he does not speak yet?

Me: No.

Other person: My son/daughter can already speak / utter a lot of words when he/she was one. 

Me: Oh, but my son began to read words when he was two, did your child began reading at age two also?

Now how is that even possible? We'll, only Eli's Heavenly Father knows. I tried to record him in a video earlier today just to keep a memory of him reading at an early age, but he seems to be not up to it today and easily gets distracted by the camera phone. Maybe I'll get lucky next time, If I do, I'll post it on my next blog.

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